Filtre×SIA Masterpreis Architektur 2024
Alle Schweizer Architekturhochschulen haben für diesen Preis ihre besten Masterarbeiten nominiert. Eine unabhängige Jury hat aus den eingereichten 33 Projekten acht ausgewählt. Drei davon erhalten an der Verleihung einen Preis, die übrigen fünf eine Anerkennung. Zudem hat die Jury aus den Preisträgerinnen und Preisträgern eine Person auserkoren, die nächstes Jahr in der Jury Einsitz nehmen soll. Wer diese Personen sind, verraten wir aber erst an der Preisverleihung.
Wir freuen uns, wenn auch Du bei der Preisverleihung zum SIA Masterpreis Architektur dabei bist und mit Vertretern der SIA-Berufsgruppe Architektur, des Architekturrats, der diesjährigen Partnerschule ZHAW sowie verschiedenen Jurymitgliedern mitfeierst.
Tössfeldstrasse 13, Winterthur
Projektteam SIA Masterpreis Architektur
BEGIN AGAIN. FAIL BETTER Preliminary drawings in architecture
“Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Samuel Beckett
Exhibition from 5 November to 2 December 2024
Opening! Monday 4 November 6 p.m.
Archizoom, Bâtiment SG, EPFL
Hand-drawing still occupies a central place in architecture. It acts as a reservoir of ideas, a source of inspiration or a playful way to discover images, acting as a distiller of thoughts, and opening the path to self-exploration.
This exhibition highlights the early drawings and sketches that give birth to an idea, whether they relate to a real project or are simply free exploration, aesthetic study, or utopian dream.
Taking its title from a famous quote by Samuel Beckett, the exhibition shows drawing as part of the design process: architects try, fail, try again, fail again, until they begin to move in the direction that will eventually become a building. — or not.
EPFL Bâtiment SG
SG 1231 Station 15
Place Ada Lovelace
1015 Lausanne
BEGIN AGAIN. FAIL BETTER Preliminary drawings in architecture
“Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Samuel Beckett
Exhibition from 5 November to 2 December 2024
Opening! Monday 4 November 6 p.m.
Archizoom, Bâtiment SG, EPFL
Hand-drawing still occupies a central place in architecture. It acts as a reservoir of ideas, a source of inspiration or a playful way to discover images, acting as a distiller of thoughts, and opening the path to self-exploration.
This exhibition highlights the early drawings and sketches that give birth to an idea, whether they relate to a real project or are simply free exploration, aesthetic study, or utopian dream.
Taking its title from a famous quote by Samuel Beckett, the exhibition shows drawing as part of the design process: architects try, fail, try again, fail again, until they begin to move in the direction that will eventually become a building. — or not.
EPFL Bâtiment SG
SG 1231 Station 15
Place Ada Lovelace
1015 Lausanne